Women & Money

Women’s relationship with money can be complicated to say the least. Women know they need money; they may even know how to earn it—and yet some feel an unspoken form of discomfort around its very existence.
Here are comments from women I’ve coached over the years: “I feel uncomfortable receiving money when it is in any way tied to helping, healing or spirituality.—and many times it is not offered or a part of the conversation. It’s as though my help is expected.” “I give a lot to help others and sometimes don’t have money for things that would make me happy.” “Even though I have some savings, I am afraid I will end up being a ‘bag lady’ and alone.” “I earn money (not enough), but it seems something always happens that wipes out any chance of getting ahead.” “I’ve worked hard all my life, but have little to show for it in the area of money.”
Many women don’t have the language or desire to express their feelings about money—and some don’t like thinking about it at all. They may hope their financial situation will somehow magically work out.
What is money to us anyway? And how can we have a healthy relationship with it? What intentions do we hold regarding money in our lives? What level of comfort do you have reading the word money right now? What about the word wealth?
The word wealth originated in Middle English (welthe): health. Having all we need is certainly a form of health. Many ailments and illnesses stem from both lack of basic necessities and the stress related to lack of means.
Women and money have not been natural partners. For centuries, males have been primary rulers of money, property, and most major decision-making overall. No wonder women struggle with prosperity—it’s still an unlearned skill for many. In many spiritual circles, the word money was seen as one to be avoided at all costs, associating the word with greed. Greed does exist in some people, yet money used to have a happy life is a way to experience creativity, joy, and sharing.
Generational wealth, in the form of passing down a house, for example, as humble as that house may be, bypasses many women and people of color. I’ve even experienced the stories of women who have had family inheritances given to male siblings rather than female siblings—because “A man is the head of the household and needs that money to support his family.” Yes, this still happens. And then there are the heartbreaking stories of women (and their children) faring poorly after divorce—sometimes pushing them into extreme poverty.
In 2015,Carole Hyder, Susan Cevette and I co-hosted a women’s wealth summit. Women’s challenges at that gathering echoed the ones just mentioned above with one woman sharing something that I ponder to this day: “Paper currency in the U.S. is ugly, imprinted with the images of dead old men. Where are the women’s images? Why isn’t money beautiful to look at? Subconsciously, I think I don’t even like to touch it, even though I know I need it in order to survive and thrive.” Digital currency keeps many of us from using paper money very much, yet if we think in terms of the vibrational energy of money, she makes an interesting point.
In my work with women leaving prison, on behalf of the Venerable Women Empowerment Foundation, it became very clear to me that nearly every punishable offense had something to do with a lack of money or resources. Lack of self-worth, education, and support are clearly factors as well, and even these can relate to a lack of financial certainty.
In our Venerable Women philosophy, we embrace prosperity and abundance in all its forms, including money, as essential to living an empowered, grace-filled life. We are learning and reminding each other that money is a currency of energy and that our outward flow of energy deserves to be acknowledged and rewarded, financially included.
Venerable Women think of prosperity like this: having what we need, when we need it, with plenty left over to share. This is a formula that when actualized, blesses every single human on earth. Along with our teachings focused on prosperity, abundance, and wealth, we are also bringing innovative and meaningful concepts to further a world in which everyone succeeds.
I am collaborating with Joel Hodroff, inventor, entrepreneur, and economic futurist to develop a new form of money that captures unused resources and creates a high quality of life for all people. Stay tuned as this exciting offering makes its way into the economy.
On Tuesday, May 21st, I will be having a Sacred Conversation with Susan Cevette, a financial advisor who works with entrepreneurs and individuals who consciously create their lives. She has her MBA from the Opus School of Business, University of St. Thomas and a BA in the Great Books from Saint Mary’s College of California. Her perspective on wealth makes it possible for everyone to create an abundant life.
This is a prosperous universe. Now is the time for women to experience joyful abundance—by being grateful for what they already have, being generous, and claiming their prosperity unapologetically. When women do better, so does all of humanity.