The Promise & Power in Asking: My Request to You
Because I believe in and benefit from fresh inspiration, I have written and shared an inspirational message every week for the past eight years. I have never asked for anything in return.
Here’s what I am asking of you. Please consider bringing my new audiobook into your life.
Conceiving the idea for the book, writing the book (then re-writing it), and recording it, has taken thousands of hours. When you listen to it, you will feel its gentle power and guidance from our Divine which flows throughout.
A colleague of mine gives to nearly everyone she meets. She has a big heart and people love being in her presence. She was secretly suffering with a big challenge in her life and did not ask for help.
The wave of gun violence in our country casts its malicious shadow and causes fear and separation among our citizens. Many thought they should not or could not ask for change.
Over the years I have seen clients and friends exist rather than flourish because they believed they were not worthy to ask for a better life.
What is it you long to ask for?
By asking, we open doors and hearts. We benefit by remembering that there need be no shame, fear, or guilt attached to asking. Asking supports us in being authentic, which is one of our greatest freedoms—and liberates us to be who we truly are.
Asking from the heart and receiving all the ways friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, colleagues and certainly our Divine can answer our requests, causes an expansion of love and blesses us all.
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