If you are reading this message, you are most likely on a path of transformation, higher consciousness, manifestation of a loving world, or meaningful community. You may be one who serves, heals, teaches. Perhaps you welcome a combination of all these aspects into your life.
Speaking with thousands of people about hope and transformation over the past two years, the vast majority being women, I have felt personally inspired by the openness, courage, and tenacity I’ve witnessed time and time again.
I want you to know I see you; I see the depth of your being and feel the connection in our hearts to evolve, transform, and spark love wherever we can.
During this time of extra attention being paid to gratitude and thanksgiving in the U.S., I say thank you to you. It doesn’t matter if we’ve ever met in person—or if we spend time together regularly; what remains true is that we love, that we continue on, that we embrace hope, that we do our own personal transformation work. For your commitment to love, I am grateful.
Have an extraordinary week knowing that you are part of a sisterhood, a community of love, honor, and respect. I feel blessed knowing you received this message and ask that you feel the love with which I send it.