50 Women's Circles
Ever wonder why so many women don't have more influence, abundance, and respect?
I did too--which is one of the reasons I wrote my book, Venerable Women: Transform Ourselves, Transform the World.
Last week I completed number 41 of 50 talks I committed to doing, beginning on November 2nd when my book first came out. I chose to do 50 talks in 50 weeks so I could share a message of hope and inspiration for women to live their (our) highest and best lives. I've spoken at churches, businesses, recovery centers, women's gatherings, art galleries, boutiques, libraries, book stores, women's prisons and halfway houses, and home gatherings.
Talk number 41 took place at a women's book club at a private home. The women had been meeting for many years, and clearly had a beautiful connection. The love, compassion, and respect among the women was palpable--and their laughter and hugs were simply joyful. As I sat among them, so honored to have been invited by the host to talk about my book, I was filled with hope.
When women gather intentionally to love, support, and care for one another--sharing their thoughts, breaking bread, and holding the space for mutual respect--nourishment for each woman's body, mind, and spirit is elevated and her confidence soars.
Women sitting in circle--having coffee, solving a problem, learning something new, creating an event, practicing their writing skills, sewing or quilting, praying together, or doing just about anything--is a powerful thing to experience. I suspect men's circles are powerful too, yet I can't say for sure because I've never been to one (and if I was it would't be a men's circle)!
Because many women are still behind economically, socially, and in so many other ways, I believe circles of women coming together on a consistent basis is an excellent way for women to expand their sense of self worth, further awaken their wisdom, and increase their spiritual confidence. That is what I experienced last week in the circle I was welcomed into--and in the many gatherings at which I've spoken where people gather with intentional shared purpose.
I believe well-facilitated and thoughtful women's circles are a great equalizer--a way for women to catch up, advance, and have a greater say in what goes on in the world.
Women's voices, ways, actions, and the feminine divine perspective are especially necessary now--because women are equipped and ready to heal the pain of injustice, disrespect, and inequality, and intentionally apply a soothing balm of kindness, compassion, non-judgment, and love. And now women are awakening to the idea that their own personal transformation first is key and women's circles and gatherings support them in that quest.
My invitation to you is this: if you have a circle that is your tribe (those who resonate with what you believe and who inspire you to grow) go and be a part of that circle on a regular basis. If you don't have a women's circle, find one. If you can't find one, start one.